Astrophotography is it science or art? Do the images received as a result of deep processing of a huge massive of single shots reflect reality or are they in some sense drawing? Disputes on it are going constantly, however, it is impossible not to notice that for the last 15-20 years the technology of shooting and processing has leaped forward and that was earlier accessible only to large observatories, now is achievable by modest means of the amateur astronomers. Indeed, powerful computers, digital cameras, fine software appeared. However, the main factor hindering shooting from the surface of the Earth remains the restless ocean of terrestrial atmosphere. Preparing for the next observations, one can never predict, what will be received as a result. Therein lies the charm of lunar and planetary astrophotography. In some ways we are like the fishermen casting their rods into the dark depths of the lake in hopes of a good bite. And we're always really pleased when our hook catches a big and beautiful fish.
On this site our works in the field of astrophotography received in difficult struggle with atmospheric turbulence are presented. We wish you pleasant viewing!
Astronominsk team:
Yuri Goryachko, Mikhail Abgarian, Konstantin Morozov
astronominsk@gmail.com |
Latest Images:
The Moon - March 26, 2021

The Moon - February 22, 2021

Double meteor captured on February 18, 2021
Mars - October 19, 22 and 23, 2020

Fireball -7.1m (beta Aurigids) captured on September 22, 2020

Mars - August 16, 2020
Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 - July 13 and 18, 2020

Sprites - June 10, 2020

"Lirids on the night of April 22-23, 2020" (video)

"Earth-grazer over Eastern Europe on April 8, 2020" (video)
Venus - March 27 and April 7, 2020

Fireball -6.5m captured on March 11-12, 2020
Venus - February 15 and 21, 2020
The Moon - October 21, 2019

Fireball -8.5m captured on November 4, 2019

The Moon - October 14, 2019

Uranus - September 27, 2019

Noctilucent Clouds - June 23-24, 2019
Chilescope: Mercury - April 9 and 12, 2019

Orionids - October, 2018

Bright Orionid fireball captured through the fog - October 20, 2018
Uranus - September 20 and 21, 2018

Chilescope: Saturn - September 8, 2018
Chilescope: Mars - September 7 and 13, 2018

"Perseids Meteor Shower 2018" (video)

Perseids - August 12-13 and 13-14, 2018

"Clouds" (video)

Chilescope: Saturn - July 10, 2018

Mercury - May 9, 2018

"Bright flashes of dead Telkom-3" (video)

"Geminids Meteor Shower 2017" (video)

Geminids - December 13-14, 2017

"Flying around Copernicus" (video) + anagliph
3D Lunar image (Tycho) + animated GIF
(Red-blue glasses are necessary for viewing the images )
3D Lunar image (Copernicus) + animated GIF
(Red-blue glasses are necessary for viewing the images )

Partial Lunar Eclipse - August 7, 2017

Meteors - Capricornids fireball on July, 2017
Venus - June 16, 19, 20 and 28, 2017
Mercury - June 9 and 18, 2017
Mercury - May 14, 20 and 30, 2017

Venus - May 13, 2017

Pingre F on the horizon - August 26, 2016
The Moon - August 25, 2016
Mercury - June 10, 25 and 30, 2016
Jupiter - April 4 and May 12, 2016

Total Lunar Eclipse - 28 Sep, 2015

Io & Ganymede Occultation (animation) - April 11 and 24, 2015
Jupiter - April 11 and 24, 2015

Ganymede - February 27, 2014
Comet PANSTARRS - May 6 and June 2, 2013
Venus - July 24, 2012

Mare Crisium
Color Moon on May 3, 2012
Mars - April 9 and 12, 2012 (high-altitude ice cloud)

International Space Station (ISS) - August 15, 2010 (animation)

Jupiter (movie)

Sun - August 9, 2009 (H-Alpha) + animation
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